
Monday, September 7, 2020

FBI Admits Existence of Aliens From Another Dimension

 In a recently declassified report the FBI tells of large beings traveling in saucers that emits a light beam capable of destroying any of our military weapons.  But the report goes on to say that they don’t come from a far away planet but actually appear and disappear at will from the “etheric”.

The files, which were leaked online, discuss alien encounters dating back to 1947.

The texts mention “flying saucers” on several occasions and extraterrestrial ray wielding “disks”, Alienstar reports.

Dubbed Memorandum 6751 by believers, the FBI declassified the report this year.

It reads: “A very serious situation my develop at any time with regard to flying saucers. If one of these should be attacked the attacking plane will almost certainly be destroyed.

“In the public mind this might create near panic and international suspicion.

"This principle data concerning these craft is now at hand and must be offered no matter how fantastic and unintelligible it may seem to minds not previously instructed in thinking of this type.”

The report’s author goes on to describe the “flying saucers”.

It reads: “Part of the disks carry crews, others are under remote control.

“Their mission is peaceful. The visitors contemplate settling on this plane.

“The visitors are human-like but much larger in size.

“They do not come from any “planet” as we use the word but from an etheric.

“The disks possess a type of radiant energy, or ray, which will easily disintegrate any attacking ship.

“They reenter from the etheric at will and so simply disappear from our vision without trace.


Does this description of them appearing and disappearing from our vision in an instant perfectly describe what so many UFO sightings have recorded?  Does this description also coincide what the Bible would tell us about about where the angels and demons live?

It would appear that the US Government is NOT hiding all of this information anymore.  They are allowing it to be released which means we are in the time of "disclosure".

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