
Friday, September 25, 2020

Hollywood's "Meathead" Says Trump Will be Arrested in 42 Days

Do you want some more evidence of the divide in this nation?  Back in the 1970's there was a TV show called ALL IN THE FAMILY.  It had a character named Archie Bunker and his son-in-law that he called "Meathead".  The dude who played him is Rob Reiner and he went on to much Hollywood fame as a director and actor.

Today we read his comments and we are sure he speaks for much of the Hollywood elite.

It's pretty ironic that the same Hollywood folks who are screaming to DEFUND THE POLICE are now claiming that they will call on law enforcement to arrest the President.

You simply can't make this stuff up.

Filmmaker Rob Reiner is promising that law enforcement will apprehend President Donald Trump following election day, saying that “in 42 days we will arrest the killer.”

Reiner made the outlandish prognostication Tuesday in a tweet in which he also accused the commander in chief of “essentially” shooting and killing hundreds of thousands of Americans.

“Donald Trump has essentially shot and killed 100s of thousands Americans on 5th Ave, continues to do it every day, and he’s right, his cult doesn’t care. But the rest of US do. In 42 days we will arrest the killer,” Reiner tweeted.

The President has been consciously killing Americans for eight months..

I pray for America.  We have come to a place that we simply are not going to be able to coexist for too much longer.  The fires have been lit, the smoke is starting to get darker and it seems that a raging inferno is about to explode.

1 comment:

  1. 39 days! That is the time remaining on the fuse. November 4 we will be living in a different country one way or another.

    God help us!
