
Saturday, September 26, 2020

Trump Names Amy Cony Barrett. Apocalyptic Battle Coming

 It's official.  Trump named the Catholic mother of 7 as nominee for Supreme Court.  She's clearly Pro-Life and this is going to drive the Left into seizures and fits.  Author Joel Rosenberg says the battle over her confirmation will be "apocalyptic" and make the Kavanaugh hearings look like a walk in the park.

Oh yeah, and it's being reported that 2 of her 7 were adopted from Haiti and another one they adopted with special needs.  So it will be amazing to watch the Left attack her character. 

(Washington, DC) — I just landed here in the nation’s capital as word is spreading that President Trump on Saturday at 5pm will formally name Judge Amy Coney Barrett, 48, to be the nation’s next Supreme Court Justice.

This is fantastic — but it’s going to spark an apocalyptic confirmation battle that could make the Kavanaugh process look like a walk in the park.

If confirmed, Barrett would fill the seat opened by the recent passing of Jewish Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg.

Barrett is a devout born again Catholic, a former Notre Dame law professor, married to a successful lawyer, the mother of seven children (including two adopted children), and she is very conservative and deeply pro-life.

Fox News’ Supreme Court reporter and anchor Shannon Bream has written a profile of Barrett worth reading.

Pro-life Catholic and Evangelical leaders that I’ve spoken to in recent days tell me that Barrett is absolutely their first choice and that they have been urging President Trump to name her and get her confirmed before Election Day.

Former Senator Rick Santorum tells me that Barrett “will be a superstar.”

“Unlike [Justice Neil] Gorsuch and [Chief Justice John] Roberts, she does not care what D.C. thinks of her,” Santorum adds. “Faith is the center of her life. Her brilliance is matched by her humility. She is normal. Her family grounds her.”

Tony Perkins, president of the Family Research Council, told me, “Barrett will be the best of the three contenders [that Trump has been considering].”


No doubt! The frothy, foul, spitting demons who are desperate for the sacrifice of babies to continue are going to be out in full force.  The 70,000,000 babies have been sacrificed at the altar of the feminist demon-god called Convenience.

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