
Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Alien Invasion is Latest 2020 Threat

Oh wow!  You just knew I couldn't pass up blogging about this headline!

Alien Invasion Latest 2020 Threat As UFO Sightings Shoot Up In NY

NEW YORK CITY – Add War of the Worlds to everything else 2020 is throwing at New York.

Skygazers have reported a huge increase of unidentified flying objects seen in the state - already, 184 unexplained flying crafts or lights seen in the state have been logged with the National UFO Reporting Center.

In almost all of 2019, only 151 were seen.

The sightings include bright lights, strange sounds and oddly shaped objects. A person in Staten Island gave a terrifying description of a burning sensation following a sighting.

"And that's when I felt this heat like feeling going through my body," they reported.

It may be easy to scoff at some of the eyewitness accounts on the National UFO Reporting Center, but the idea of intergalactic travel got a boost when information emerged from the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program, a $22 million, multi-year program that began in 2007 to investigate "unidentified aerial phenomena," according to reports by The New York Times and Politico.

So we aren't surprised at the increase in UFO sightings...especially in godless New York city.  The less Holy Spirit filled people there are in an area the more power Satan has to manifest strange signs.  The Holy Spirit restrains evil and the secret power of lawlessness.  If you could see a chart of the world with tacks marking where all the Bible-believing-Holy Spirit-filled people were residing you would see less lawlessness, drug use, less theft, less corruption and less mayhem in areas that had high numbers of tacks.

Also we would predict that UFO sightings and abductions would increase in areas devoid of the Holy Spirit.

The world is being prepped for a great delusion that will happen after the rapture.  When tens of millions of people vanish from planet earth when Christ comes to snatch His bride away, people will freak out and be looking for some explanation as to our whereabouts.  We are confident that "UFO's and aliens" will be part of the answer.  So if we are close to the rapture and Satan can see all the same signs as we can, it shouldn't surprise us to see that Satan is readying his UFO deception.

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