
Tuesday, September 29, 2020

The Biden Plan to Transform America Into LGBTQ Nation

 I think we can all remember when President Obama lit up the White House with rainbow colors when the Supreme Court cleared the way for gay marriage.  And of course we know that Sleepy Joe loved anything that Obama loved.  It turns out that Joe might end up being even a bigger friend of LGBTQ than his previous boss was.

The conventional wisdom of the American chattering classes at the moment seems to be that Joe Biden was the moderate, middle-of-the-road choice for Democratic primary voters: Not too Communist, not too radical, and not too unsettling for the working-class voters that voted for Trump in 2016. 

The logic of this seems to be primarily based on two factors. First, Biden is old. In fact, at times he appears to be visibly aging before our eyes as he muddles through TV segments that are intentionally short but seem interminably long. The second factor is that he is not Bernie Sanders, and thus does not have baggage the size of Cuba or the former Soviet Union.

But it is important to remember that Joe Biden is not simply some geriatric and de-fanged old-school liberal who will serve as a respite from Donald Trump for the next four years. He is a politician who has been on the cutting edge of mainstreaming the Sexual Revolution for years, and we should not be fooled by the fact that he appears to be a singularly unthreatening figure.

Exhibit A is Biden's most recent endorsement, which came from the National Center for Transgender Equality Action Fund. In a Tuesday press release, Executive Director Mara Keisling was positively effusive:

Joe Biden is the advocate and president we need at this consequential moment. He has the temperament, the experience and wisdom to lead our country. Throughout his career in public service, work as a private citizen through the Biden Foundation, and now his campaign to lead our nation, Biden has demonstrated his commitment to transgender people and the LGBTQ community.

Biden has a strong agenda for addressing the issues that face transgender Americans, a record of getting big ideas done during his time as vice president in the Obama-Biden administration, and a history of ensuring that transgender people are protected, including protections for transgender women as part of the reauthorization of the landmark Violence Against Women Act he authored. Over the years he has consistently made clear that 'transgender equality is the civil rights issue of our time.' With Joe Biden, we know we will be engaged, we will be seen, and we will not be erased.

Keisling's enthusiasm is understandable. Last year, in fact, Biden was interviewed by her for the transgender lobby group's Transform the White House Project. During the interview, Biden told Keisling that people of faith--including Jews, Christians, and Muslims--need to get on board with the transgender agenda already. 

After all, he certainly has. Predictably, he also condemned Trump for "rolling back" transgender rights, stating that the "idea that someone can tell you that you can't be who you are in your heart and soul is just wrong."


I'm quite sure that MOST of my readers realize how huge this election is for America.  If Trump stays in the White House America has at least a chance of being less of a stench in God's nostrils.  If Biden gets in the godless heathens and pagans will party like it's 1999.  The stench reaching to heaven may hasten America's demise.


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