
Tuesday, September 22, 2020

While They Are Saying “Peace and Security”

 Most prophecy watchers interpret Jesus’ words to possibly mean a few different phases coming during the Day of the Lord. First off people will be saying “peace and safety” before the rapture and when millions of people vanish in the rapture, America and other countries would have “destruction come upon them suddenly”.  The 2nd time this may apply would be 3 1/2 years into the peace agreement that the Antichrist confirms. He will go into the 3rd Temple and declare himself to be God. Jesus tells the Jews alive at the time to run because destruction will come upon them suddenly.  Now notice this article from Jerusalem that speaks of “stability and security” among Israel, it’s Arab neighbors and the entire region.  Conditions are being set up for the Great and Terrible Day of The Lord.

Egypt has sought to return strong national states to the region in the wake of the Arab spring. This has meant a return to more authoritarian policies but it has also come in reaction to the erosion of states that took place in Yemen, Syria and Libya, and to some extent in Iraq. Cairo, along with its allies in Riyadh and Abu Dhabi, see Ankara and Tehran as sources of instability in the region. 

El-Sisi discussed in a telephone call with the Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi and Deputy Supreme Commander of the UAE Armed Forces Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan means to boost bilateral relations," the Egyptian presidency said on Monday. The two leaders looked at how their countries could be "pivotal pillars of stability and security in the region," Al-Arabiya reported. 

The context of the conversation and Egypt’s discussions about stopping terror and working with partners in the Mediterranean is Cairo’s desire to play a larger role in the region and especially regarding the concept of stability. Although this is unstated, Egypt’s main goal is to prevent what it sees as the destabilizing conflicts that have occurred over the past decade.

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