
Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Yahoo Headline; “The Judge Who Hates Your Uterus”

If you have had any doubts about where the bias of the MSM actually lies, just check out this headline on Yahoo News today;  

This Is Amy Coney Barrett, The Potential RBG Replacement Who Hates Your Uterus

Life begins at conception,” she told Notre Dame Magazine, who also described Barrett’s view on Roe v. Wade as “creating through judicial fiat a framework of abortion on demand.”

For her part, Barrett is a practicing Roman Catholic and mother of seven. She is well-known throughout conservative circles for putting her religious convictions at the forefront of her work and identity. “Her religious convictions are pro-life, and she lives those convictions,” said U.S. district Judge Patrick J. Schiltz, one of her mentors.

“I think the question of whether people can get very late-term abortions, you know, how many restrictions can be put on clinics, I think that would change,” Barrett said during a talk she gave on Roe v. Wade at Jacksonville University in 2016.

Barrett’s nomination could stand to change everything for the Supreme Court. On Nov. 10, when the Supreme Court is back in session, they will once again hear arguments challenging the constitutionality of the Affordable Care Act. With Barrett in the seat, women’s access to reproductive health could be in serious jeopardy. If Trump does nominate Barrett — a noted anti-abortionist — it would solidify fears for millions of Democrats: a 6-3 conservative majority in the Supreme Court that will most definitely derail years of inclusive healthcare initiatives.

And, considering Ginsburg’s tenure protecting women’s rights and elevating social justice initiatives, Trump would actively be opposing her legacy by appointing Barrett, putting millions of vulnerable people at risk.

“Amy Coney Barrett meets Donald Trump’s two main litmus tests,” Nan Aron, the president of Alliance for Justice, told the New York Times. “She has made clear she would invalidate the ACA and take health care away from millions of people and undermine a woman’s reproductive freedom.”

And so the Left is already attempting to massacre this wonderfully intelligent woman and mother of 7 before she even gets the nod from Trump.

The Left is already having a meltdown as they ponder the possibility of Trump getting another Supreme Court pick BEFORE THE ELECTION.  Yesterday they rolled out the insane idea that RBG had a final request and it was to "wait until we have a new president to pick my replacement."  And of course since RBG was such a great woman we OWE HER the privilege of granting her her dying wish? no.

First off the Constitution doesn't have "grant dying wish" anywhere in it so that's just stupid.  2nd off, how do any of us know that her final wish was?  As she was passing into the next realm don't you think she was probably thinking of heaven or hell, her family, the shortness of life, etc...?  Do you really expect us to believe that as she was lying on her death bed she reached up her hand to her family and said, 'Don't let them pick my replacement until we get Trump out of eternal destination depends on it."

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