
Sunday, October 4, 2020

Another Cashless Article

 Yes. Cash is dirty and loaded with germs.  Who wants to handle it during a pandemic?  Doing away with cash would also cut down on crime but because there would be no more criminals with loads of cash trying to launder the money. Drug dealers and prostitutes and sex trade would have to take Visa or PayPal and this would create a traceable record. Plus it’s expensive for businesses to deal with needing safes, cash registers and armored cars.  Let’s just get rid of it!  Of course this is another big step towards fulfilling the prophecy of The Mark of the Beast.  I found this article on Google News. So the cashless articles are very mainstream. This is no longer a fringe topic.


Prabhakar told Cointelegraph that digital payments are intrinsically more secure than cash, which can be lost and forged — and recovery is almost impossible: “Most digital transactions offer various levels of security and repudiability, e.g. the ability to dispute a credit card charge, which cash cannot compete with.”

There is also the matter of traceability: Mainstream cashless transactions carry essential information about the payment participants, including what was purchased and when the transaction occurred. “This makes money laundering and tax avoidance much harder,” Prabhakar added.

Digital payments are, possibly, more environmentally friendly. “Cash and metal coins use up precious natural resources, some of which are non-renewable and only recyclable up to a point: paper, copper, zinc, nickel, among others,” said Prabhakar. “In fact the cost of producing at two denominations — nickels and pennies — exceeds their face value. Digital transactions have in comparison zero environmental impact.” 

Digital payment proponents also make the case that time is money, so faster payments should boost overall economic activity. According to Totia: “Cashless, mobile or QR code payments are a lot faster than paying by cash. For your average coffee shop or street food van, time is of essence at rush hour when serving long queues of customers. Saving even a couple of seconds for each customer results in more sales at the end of the day. Apply this to all small and medium businesses in a certain country and you have more economic activity.” Prabhakar told Cointelegraph that digital payments are intrinsically more secure than cash, which can be lost and forged — and recovery is almost impossible: “Most digital transactions offer various levels of security and repudiability, e.g. the ability to dispute a credit card charge, which cash cannot.

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