
Tuesday, October 6, 2020

War Breaks Out With Azerbaijan vs. Armenia

Of course the world will see more wars and rumors of war as the return of Jesus draws near. Today we read about the war that just broke out between Azerbaijan and Armenia. And as all wars seem to do, this war could also draw in other nations. Ezekiel 38 says Russia, Turkey and Iran will be main players in this Last Days coalition that descends on Israel. So we pay attention to any article that mentions all three in same sentence.  So check out paragraph one.


MOSCOW — Fighting broke out a week ago in Nagorno-Karabakh, a breakaway region in Azerbaijan with an Armenian majority, setting off alarms about the risks of a wider war that might draw in Russia, Turkey and Iran.

The conflict had simmered for decades in a remote mountain region of the Caucasus without much strategic importance to anyone. Why is this escalation in fighting over the past week any different from the sporadic violence of the past?

One big distinction: A more direct engagement in the conflict by Turkey in support of its ethnic Turkic ally, Azerbaijan, in a region of traditional Russian influence.

The fighting comes as Turkey increasingly flexes its muscles in the Middle East and North Africa, adding to the dangers of regional escalation in what had been a mostly local, if venomous, ethnic conflict. And, distracted by the coronavirus pandemic, international mediators missed warning signs as tensions mounted in Nagorno-Karabakh over the summer, analysts say.

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