
Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Israelis Prefer Trump to Biden by Huge Margin

 Yes, we know.  There are tons and tons of Catholics, Lutherans, Methodists and Presbyterians who believe in Replacement Theology.  That's the belief that the Jews have lost all their future promises in scripture and instead those promises have transferred to followers of Christ.

This is completely false.  It can be evidenced by the return of Jews to the Promised Land at the beginning of the 20th century and how the desert began to bloom again.  It can be evidenced by how the Israeli army has beaten back their Arab enemies at every opportunity.

Scripture tells us plainly that, "I (God) will bless those who bless you (the Jews) and curse those who curse you."

We  believe that Trump has been a MAJOR blessing to the Jews and to Israel.  And that might explain the blessing America has received these past 4 years.  It also goes a long way to explain why the Left so hates Trump.  Because they hate the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.  The evidence is literally everywhere.

A new poll published by I24News and conducted by the Direct Falls Research Institute on Monday found that 63.3% of Israelis prefer the reelection of incumbent US President Donald Trump, compared to 18.8% whom prefer former Vice President and Democratic challenger Joe Biden. Respondents indicated that a majority believe Trump will be a better president for the State of Israel, a minority of Israelis said the same about Biden. 10.4% of respondents said that both candidates would be equally good for the State of Israel, while 3.1% said neither.

Israelis were also asked about the connection of personal ties between Trump and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanayhu and its potential impact on US-Israel relations, with some 50.9% of respondents saying that the election of Biden will harm future relations between the two countries, since Trump has a special relationship with the State of Israel.


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