
Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Proud Boys Threaten Civil War if Trump Loses

 This next article was sent to me by a Liberal friend who I enjoy going back and forth with.  He happens to be a teacher, so surprise!

We have said numerous times how unrest and Civil War could be on the horizon for America.  Maybe that's one other reason why America isn't around to come to the aid of Israel when all of her Ezekiel 38 enemies are gathered at the gates.

Of course the Liberal news loves to focus on Right Wing extremists and their calls for unrest while mostly ignoring the calls for violence and the committing of violence by the Left.  So this article comes from Newsweek.

Proud Boys Supporter Warns of 'Civil War' if Donald Trump Loses Election

A video has emerged of a Proud Boys supporter warning that there will be a "civil war" if Donald Trump does not get re-elected in November and advises people to stock up on guns.

The clip featuring the self-proclaimed supporter of the far-right group was posted online by actor and blogger Walter Masterson and took place during a Trump rally in Staten Island, New York.

The Proud Boys supporter, who is not identified, describes how the group are "not brawlers" despite being known for their violent rallies and altercations with left-wing groups and movements such as antifa.

"But we're there. We're like the Marines, we're the first to come in," he adds.


He is kind of right.  They would be like the marines in that they would be the first ones to welcome the fight with BLM and Anitfa ilk.  If it goes down this way these would be the first skirmishes and then the rest of the people may be drawn into it.

No doubt, America is sitting on the edge of the abyss.

Take comfort that ALL THINGS ARE UNDER THE CONTROL OF JESUS....and regardless of what happens starting in November, WE WIN IN THE END!

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