
Friday, October 2, 2020

No Part of USA is Safe from Yellowstone Eruption

 This is a fun headline cuz it’s science yet right out of a End of Days type of Hollywood movie!  Also we love the word “magma”.  This event certainly sounds like it would fit nicely into the Great Tribulation that may be soon coming for all those folks left behind to endure it.


'No part of US is safe' Yellowstone warning issued after 'rising magma' signs identified

In his recently-published book ‘End Times: A Brief Guide to the End of the World,’ he wrote: "First would come a swarm of increasingly intense earthquakes, a sign that magma was rushing toward the surface.

“The pressure would build until, like champagne in a bottle given a vigorous shake, the magma would burst through the ground in a titanic eruption that would discharge the toxic innards of the Earth to the air.

“It would continue for days, burying Yellowstone in lava within a forty-mile radius of the eruption."

He detailed how Yellowstone's plume of ash, lava, and volcanic gases would reach a height of at least 15 miles, and make their way across North America.

Mr Walsh added: "Hospitals would be choked with victims coughing up blood as the silicate in the ash slashed at their lungs."

Worst still, the ash could poison crops and create a worldwide volcanic winter – in which global average temperatures could plunge as much as 8C for a decade.

This could produce a recipe for a global starvation event that may endanger hundreds of millions of people, he warned.

1 comment:

  1. Hmm... Could it be that that amount of ash in the air would block something like 33% of the light that makes it to the surface of the planet?

    The fourth angel sounded, and a third of the sun and a third of the moon and a third of the stars were struck, so that a third of them would be darkened and the day would not shine for a third of it, and the night in the same way. - Revelation 8:12
