
Saturday, October 3, 2020

Trump’s Positive Covid May Change Him From Doubter to Superspreader

 I’m going to post this article from NBC and I disagree with much of what it says. But it’s important for all of us to read things that form the opinions on the other side of the aisle. The liberal bias in this article is very evident. It’s written by a doctor who quite clearly would like the nation shut down until Covid is gone...even if that might take 2-3 years and cause millions of bankruptcies, countless suicides, depression, loneliness, alcoholism, drug abuse and maybe even a total financial collapse of the United States that would lead to war. To him, it seems as if it simply doesn’t matter as long as we can prevent millions of Americans from getting the sniffles and a mild fever.  Yes people are dying. But take a long look at who is dying and you will discover that most of them were very old and very sick and quite possibly could have died in the coming months anyway. 


The Covid-19 pandemic has now sickened its most famous doubter, President Donald Trump. Together with first lady Melania Trump and a presidential adviser, Hope Hicks, who is often by their side, the tally of 7.3 million people in the United States infected with Covid-19 went up by three.

On Friday, the president was flown to Walter Reed National Military Medical Center as a precautionary measure, according to the White House. His condition is still considered "mild," according to White House officials.

Yet as an emergency room physician of over 20 years, I have concerns that extend far beyond that — to a wide range of far-reaching public health ramifications that this positive diagnosis will have. Stated simply, when you don't take precautions, you have a higher chance of becoming a vector or creating a superspreader event without even knowing it. These interactions ripple out, with communities that institutionally don't follow strict precautionary measures likely to be at more risk. And the president of the United States may very well have been in the middle of just such an event.

The truth is, this development must be a wake-up call to the nation.

Covid-19 is real.

I believe that if Trump had pushed to make every American wear a mask from the time the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommended it in April, tens of thousands of Americans could still be alive. I believe that if Trump had told Americans to stay home this summer and if states had closed bars and indoor dining facilities, many people wouldn't have needlessly gotten sick.

We can only wonder how many more people would still be with us if all Americans had avoided large holiday gatherings on Memorial Day, the Fourth of July and Labor Day.

Trump has, since February, had opportunities to do the hard work of implementing a national pandemic strategy that focused on extensive testing, robust contact tracing, stay-at-home orders that came with social support, mask requirements and consistent science-based information sharing.

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