
Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Satanic Temple Files Abortion Lawsuit

 We all know that wiping out babies in the womb has to have a demonic spirit abiding at its core. Now that Trump and GOP were successful at appointing ANOTHER Supreme Court justice, the pro-Abortion coalition is starting to freak out.  The idea that killing babies and sacrificing them to the demon of convenience might one day be severely restricted or made totally illegal has them pacing.


When an advertising company refused to post ads on its billboards offering advice on how to get abortions, the Satanic Temple responded with a lawsuit claiming the censorship infringed on its religious freedom since abortion was “a sacramental act.”

The Satanic Temple based in Salem, Massachusetts contacted Lamar Advertising based in Louisiana. The Satanic Temple wanted to advertise what the group calls its “religious abortion ritual” which it describes as a “sacramental act that confirms the right of bodily autonomy.” The Temple submitted five designs to Lamar for display on eight billboards in Arkansas and Indiana. Lamar initially accepted the proposal after being informed that the message was “pro-reproductive rights.” 

The billboards, strategically positioned near centers that performed abortions, informed people on how to claim abortion as a religious ritual in order to circumvent waiting periods, counseling, ultrasounds, and other measures that some states require before an abortion can be performed. The performance of this ritual exempts members from complying with many state regulations. According to their website, “The ritual involves the recitation of two of our tenets and a personal affirmation that is ceremoniously intertwined with the abortion.”

One of the designs depicted a bowl of cake batter is shown with the text, “not a cake,” next to an image of a sperm and egg with the text “not a baby.” It’s accompanied by text saying, “Our religious abortion ritual averts many state restrictions.” All of the designs contain imagery from the Satanic Temple which features Baphomet, a depiction of Satan with the head of a goat. 


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