
Monday, October 26, 2020

Trump Will Win Election But Then a Giant Meteor Will Hit

 I'm not sure about what you think, but when I read stuff like this it makes me wonder.  Is a headline like this helpful for Kingdom work?  It Trump doesn't win and a meteor doesn't hit, then should Pat Robertson have some type of death penalty for dishonoring the prophetic word of God?

On the other hand, does God actually "talk" to Pat Robertson and tell him the future? 

After all, God did say that He will do nothing without informing His prophets.  But is Pat really included in that list?

Amos 3:7  Surely the Sovereign Lord does nothing without revealing his plan to his servants the prophets.

Televangelist Pat Robertson said on Tuesday that God told him President Trump will win, and more than five years later an asteroid will hit Earth and “maybe” bring “the end.”

“First of all, I want to say without question, Trump is going to win the election,’’ Robertson, the founder of the Christian Broadcasting Network told “The 700 Club.”

“That doesn't mean you sit home and don’t vote,” he added. “That means you get out and do everything you can to work, but he’s going to win. That’s, I think, a given.”

The 90-year-old forecasted disaster for the country and the world after the election, including civil unrest, at least two attempts on Trump’s life and a war against Israel that will be “put down by God.”

Then, the world will see “at least five years or more of extraordinary peace” before the asteroid.

“What I think very frankly is the only thing that will fulfill the word of Jesus … is some kind of asteroid strike on the globe,’’ he said. “It’s sudden destruction. It’s not going to be some nuclear war. We’re not going to be allowed to blow this earth up.’'  

Following a description of the asteroid’s damage, Robertson said “then, maybe the end” would come next.

The televangelist had made similar predictions in the past, saying in 1976 the world would end in 1982. His 1990 book “The New Millennium” anticipated the end of time on April 29, 2007, USA Today reported


And there you have it!  He mad SIMILAR predictions in 1976 and 1990 that never came true.  So we can know for sure Pat is a false prophet and his date setting is dishonoring the King.  But we will have to let the King figure out the penalty for Pat's errors.

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