
Friday, November 6, 2020

Could Trump Still Win?

 This next article is unverified but it’s so fun to think about that I felt I had to post it!  It says that Homeland Security controlled official ballots and had a secret watermark on them. Dems didn’t know about it so all the other ballots they printed and sent out will be tossed out and Trump will win by landslide!  Trump had set a sting-trap for the vote fraudsters...or so it says.  This would end up being the story of the century!


Consider: Dept of Homeland Security controlled "official ballots" production. Dems print extras, not knowing about non-radioactive isotope watermarks on "official ballots". Military sting operation. After weeding out all counterfeit ballots, Trump landslide confirmed.

Each ballot has a bar code that tells the machine exactly what kind of ballot it is — there can be thousands of varieties in a single election — and then determines from a database of voter registration records which person on the list should receive that particular ballot.

Standing near the printer are stacks of massive rolls of white paper that will eventually become ballots for millions of American voters. On this day, the company is producing mailings for Iowa, Nevada, Arizona and Georgia

The watermark is detectable under 640nm wavelength and also the individual printers of the ballots have the same micro dot signature so fraudulent ballots will be easy to detect and investigate. All printers have a micro dot signature that is like a fingerprint for that specific printer. Every ballot, real or fake, can be traced back to the source. This could get very interesting…

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