
Saturday, November 7, 2020

Israeli Minister Warns of War in Middle East if Biden Wins

 Of course there is a lot riding on WHO becomes the next POTUS.  Obama went on his famous "world apology tour" and flew to Egypt and said he was sorry for how America treated Muslims and Muslim countries.  He then ostracized Israel and had the worst relations with Netanyahu.  And then he signed a horrendous deal with Iran and sent them plane-loads of cash in exchange for nothing but their promises to not build a bomb.

Trump did a 180 on all this.  He then went to work on a peace deal that the Arab nations are now normalizing with Israel!  Amazing!  And if Biden is elected he will almost certainly do a 180 on everything Trump has done to secure peace in the Middle East.

Israeli Settlements Minister Tzachi Hanegbi warns that a Biden presidency could ignite war in the Middle East, while Egypt fears Biden would aid the resurgence of Islamists in the region.

Hanegbi pointed out that Biden has indicated he will resurrect America’s nuclear agreement with Iran which was cancelled by the Trump administration.

For Israel, this would represent an existential threat to national security and drastically increase the chances of war with Tehran.

“If Biden stays with that policy, there will, in the end, be a violent confrontation between Israel and Iran,” said Hanegbi.

Meanwhile, other Middle Eastern countries such as Egypt are concerned that a Biden administration would mirror Barack Obama’s policies, which led to Islamists being empowered in the region.

Obama spearheaded the disastrous interventions in Syria and Libya which led to the rise of ISIS and the international migrant crisis.

Obama also suspended aid to Egypt after popular protests ousted Islamist President Muhammad Morsi in 2013.

“Egyptians are likely to be concerned about a revival of Obama’s democracy agenda which meant actively encouraging political participation of Islamists,” reports Arab Weekly.

So in other words, if Biden wins, Americans have at least four more years of disastrous foreign interventions to look forward to.


Trump was the most popular President in Israel since Harry Truman, maybe more.  Of course they want him to win.  It's not looking good for Trump's chances as of this writing unless massive voter fraud can be proved and as of now there are lots of rumors of exactly that.

So for now let's just file this article under "Wars and Rumors of War"

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