
Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Armed Protesters in Michigan

The Left started burning and looting last may after George Floyd died of a fentanyl overdose. They took over sections of cities.  While crime spiked they demanded that police be defunded. During this time we know that the Right was mostly holding back from protesting what the Left was up to. But as the wheels stay in motion to put Biden in the White House, the Right may soon be in the streets protesting what the Left has done and what they are going to do.


A group of armed demonstrators protested the results of the 2020 election in front of the home of Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson Saturday.

The group shouted with bullhorns and held signs during the evening protest, where individuals contested the results of the race between President-elect Joe Biden and President Donald Trump, according to video. Genevieve Peters, who took the footage while donning a “Trump 2020” snow hat, called the election “bull****,” before police eventually arrived at the scene, the video showed.

“We are over here in the fricking dead of night, man,” Peters said, according to the Washington Examiner. “We are letting her know that we’re not taking this bull**** election, we are not standing down, we are not giving up. You are not going to take this election from a man that has earned it completely 100% by a freaking landslide. Let me tell you: This ain’t over.”

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