
Friday, December 11, 2020

Trump Announces Israel and Morocco Have Full Diplomatic Relations

 Trump continues to be a blessing to Israel.  Of course Bible readers know that the peace plan that he has successfully been working may lead up to "the plan" that the Antichrist will confirm when he arrives on the scene.

Of course born again followers of Christ will have already left the planet when the Antichrist is revealed.

Israel and Morocco have agreed to normalize relations, President Donald Trump announced on Thursday, marking the fourth Arab-Israel agreement in four months. As part of the deal, the U.S. will recognize Morocco’s claim over the disputed Western Sahara region.

As his time in office winds down, Trump said Israel and Morocco would restore diplomatic and other relations, including the immediate reopening of liaison offices in Rabat and Tel Aviv and the eventual opening of embassies. U.S. officials said it would also include joint overflight rights for airlines.

The White House said Trump and Morocco’s King Mohammed VI had agreed in a conversation that Morocco would “resume diplomatic relations between Morocco and Israel and expand economic and cultural cooperation to advance regional stability.”


We hope they are wrong in the 2nd paragraph where they say, "As hi time in office winds down..."

We continue to pray that Trump will stay in power another 4 years and that the Texas lawsuit joined by 17 other states will reveal the corruption and fraud that allowed Joe Biden to become President Elect.

Keep praying for Trump, America and that God will allow truth and justice to prevail.

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