
Monday, January 11, 2021

Anti-Semite On Full Display at Capital Protests

 Hate comes in all shapes, sizes and colors.  It's simply part of the human DNA that is currently under the control of the Evil One.  When Jesus returns in the 2nd advent after the Great Tribulation and sets up his millennial reign for 1000 years, only then will hate be tamped down and dealt with.  Until then black people hate brown people, brown people hate red people, red people hate white people and the circle continues.  The sad thing is that even if the entire world had the exact same skin color we would figure out how to hate people with red hair, black hair, no hair, etc...

But what can only be explained using the Bible is why the entire world seems to hate Jews?  The far Left hates them and the far Right hates them.  The Muslims hate them.  Germany managed to kill millions of them.

So when the Trump rally in D.C. turned violent by a tiny, tiny fraction of those in attendance, it didn't take long to see the satanic hatred of Jews show up.

Israeli television viewers got a blast of right-wing anti-Semitism Wednesday during the riots on Capital Hill when a pro-Trump protester barged into a live broadcast with the Washington correspondent for Israeli Channel 13 news, Gil Tamary.

The protester, named “Mark,” demanded veteran reporter Tamary tell him why Israel “continues to take American aid,” but the reporter barely gets to respond before the man launches into an anti-Semitic tirade.

Tamary tried to tell his producer to get him off the air, but the producer told him in Hebrew to keep going and find out what was on the protester’s mind.

At that point, the man then shouted, “I’m gonna get in your face now and I’ll tell you why, yid,” using a derogatory term for a Jew.

“What is a goy?” he then asked. Tamary appeared surprised by the bizarre question and answered “I don’t know” to avoid getting drawn into an argument, after which the protester yelled at him, “Yes you do, you lying Israeli.”

He then accused Tamary of “playing the pilpul game,” a Talmudic term that refers to arguing fine points.

The word “goy” literally means “nation” in Hebrew and is also used to mean “gentile” or “non-Jew.” The term has become popular among neo-Nazis, who invoke it within the context of anti-Semitic conspiracies.

Tamary then explained to his viewers in Hebrew that the Trump supporter told him he wanted America to stop giving support to Israel and said he hated Jews.

“Absolutely despicable. A rioter was harassing an Israeli reporter with vicious, grotesque anti-Semitism. This is sadly not shocking considering the violence we saw from extremists at the Capitol,” the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) tweeted.

In another incident on Wednesday at the Capitol, a man was spotted wearing a shirt emblazoned with “Camp Auschwitz.”

Here;  'Camp Auschwitz': Anti-Semites Joined Riots at Capitol | United with Israel

Of course Trump loves Israel and Israel has loved Trump.  Trump's son in law is Jewish.  So a true Trump supporter would most likely not hate Israel and Jews.  But this little blurb of Anti-Semitism should show us just more foreshadowing of what is coming for the Jews.  They are going to be in the cross hairs of the far Left AND the far Right.

Just one other thing to remember, Iran, Hezbollah, and Hamas are all terrorist supporting organizations and they all were rooting for Biden to defeat Trump.  What can that tell us about where we are going?

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