
Monday, January 11, 2021


 This acronym was spotted on some T Shirts in the Trump rally last week.  It stands for "6 Million Wasn't Enough".  It's a reference to the 6 million Jews that Hitler killed.

This is some seriously Satanic hatred that supposedly felt at home at the Trump rally.

Anti-Semites joined the riots in Washington last Wednesday and were present at previous protests in Washington, D.C.

From a “Camp Auschwitz” sweatshirt to swastika flags, hate symbols were on full display during the riot at the U.S. capitol last Wednesday.

This wasn’t the first time anti-Semites joined election protests, with a hatemonger donning a T-shirt that said “6MWE” at a December 12 event protesting the U.S. election’s results.

6MWE stands for “six million wasn’t enough,” a disgusting reference to the number of Jews murdered in the Holocaust. Phrases and symbols such as these should be beyond the pale in civilized society.

Here;  WATCH: Vile '6MWE' Holocaust Slogan Spotted in Washington DC | United with Israel

As we have already mentioned, Hamas, Hezbollah and Iran famously seek the destruction of Israel and have a Satanic hatred of Jews and yet they supported Biden's election over Trump.  So is that Biden's fault that terrorists prefer him over Trump?  

And yet the Right better call these clowns out and denounce them and the Proud Boyz and the Boogaloo Boys and every other extremist group who most likely support Trump because he stands for gun rights.

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