
Monday, January 11, 2021

This is An Insurrection?

 Webster has the definition of insurrection as, "a violent uprising against an authority or government."

Of course the left-wing media is just LOVING to use that word to describe what we witnessed last Wednesday in Washington D.C.

And of course we would disagree.  The crowd gathered in D.C. was made up of 99.9% Trump supporters who had no plans on doing anything violent and certainly had no plans to overthrow the government.  The .1% of the million people there had some other plans.  Some wanted violence.  Some wanted to fight someone. And some just wanted to get in the Capitol and have their pictures taken for their moment of fame.

I hope you can open this;

Dinesh D'Souza on Twitter: "Coup attempt? Insurrection? Even the Canadians are laughing!" / Twitter

If you can't open it, I'll describe the photo of some guys who broke into the Capitol, one with a Vikings hat and fur on, and they all stopped to pose for a picture.

Does this really look like an insurrection?  Even the Canadians are laughing.

However, I do agree with the idea that SOMEONE HAD BETTER FIND OUT WHO ALLOWED these folks to break into the Capitol?  Where was the national guard?  Where was the police and tear gas and rubber bullets?  

What if ISIS had decided to buy a Trump hat and mixed in with the rabble rousers, gotten into the Capitol with a backpack full of explosives and screamed "Allah Akbar!" as they pulled the rip chord on a suicide bomb and blew the crap out of everything?

When you have a million people show up anywhere for anything you dang well better have plans to keep people at bay.

One other thing to point out;  there was a white woman who was unarmed and shot to death inside the Capitol during the protests.  Can you even imagine the outrage if her skin was black?  Rev Jesse and Al Sharpton would have already had the crowds whipped up and the cities of America would have been burning!

And I'm gonna guess that Twitter or Facebook or Google wouldn't have deleted Jesse or Al from saying any stupid thing they wanted.

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