
Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Collapse of Financial System Imminent

We have written SOOOO much on this that to many of my long time readers it probably seems like a very broken record.  "Yeah, yeah, yeah! The economy is going to collapse.  blah, blah, blah!  They are going to print too much money and devalue ours to nothing! was done in Germany after WWI"

And yet it's true.  We can see the signs everywhere but just like the rapture we have no idea of the day or hour when it happen.  But we are quite convinced that when it does happen it will come like a flood.  The US Dollar will suffer a collapse of faith and confidence.  Once that's gone that is the ONLY thing that is holding it up.

As the GDP has been getting smaller and the national debt has been getting larger, adding up to the population boom, the “growth” they babble so much about will be derisive compared to the size of the real economic wound.

Even the MarketWatch has upheld that: “When the U.S. economic shutdown began in March, we were told to expect a “V- shaped” recovery. The consumer and the economy were originally expected to be fully recovered by the end of 2020 at the latest. Now the grim realities are starting to show. McKinsey Global Institute and Oxford Economics recently released a study on the economy after the pandemic. Their models showed that under two scenarios, it could take five years or longer for all U.S. business sectors to recover. Among the small businesses that were studied, recovery is expected to take longer than five years for some and many fear that they will never reopen.”

Either way, the data released by the Fed is based on “new” ways of measuring the GDP in order to try to boost it. Just so you can picture the depth of the economic deterioration, even The Washington Post has published a piece revealing that: “big companies are going bankrupt at a record pace, but that’s only part of the carnage. By some accounts, small businesses are disappearing by the thousands amid the Covid-19 pandemic, and the drag on the economy from these failures could be huge. Closures are going to be well above normal because we’re in a disastrous economic situation,” William Dunkelberg said.

“Yelp Inc., the online reviewer, has data showing more than 80,000 permanently shuttered from March 1 to July 25. About 60,000 were local businesses or firms with fewer than five locations. While the businesses are small individually, the collective impact of their failures could be substantial. Firms with fewer than 500 employees account for about 44% of U.S. economic activity, according to a U.S. Small Business Administration report, and they employ almost half of all American workers. About 58% of small business owners say they’re worried about permanently closing, according to a July U.S. Chamber of Commerce survey.”

In essence, that is exactly what the IHS Markit Survey has indicated. To disregard the real numbers is to fall into economic denial. We are and we have been in a longterm decline due to short-term greed. Whereas Main Street is barely staying afloat, bankers and corporate CEOs are making more money than ever before. In one hand we have the average individual making less money year after year, decade after decade, on the other, you have CEOs profiting at an unprecedented level.

As they can manipulate their stock values as they please, and much of their compensation comes directly from stock sales, meaning that their salary is based on how well their stocks are doing, CEOs are making fortunes by converting massive amounts of company cash and credit into stock buybacks and it is needless to say this also compromised GDP growth and contributes to its long-term decline.

With all that said, we wanted to illustrate to you how all of these actions are serving as a smokescreen to distract the public from the fact that neither the politicians – from both sides – nor the CEOs and investors have any interest in actually fixing the economy. There is no easy way out of this crisis and they won’t bother themselves with hard answers and deep changes in many fronts. The system is set up to keep failing, that’s how they rule us. This nation is doomed and the American dream… is just a dream.


Of course the Secret Power of Lawlessness will welcome this collapse.  It will give them the opportunity to embark on The Great Reset.  Certainly this will involve a new financial system and most certainly it will be a cashless system.  One that requires a mark on your right hand or forehead in order to fly, attend school, attend sporting events, rent hotel rooms and even buy groceries.

The fact that today's world and business leaders are talking a Covid Passports to prove your vaccination against COVID in order to fly or attend public events is simply one more large flashing sign of how close this world is to ushering in the Antichrist.

And thank you Jesus that the trumpet will sound calling us all home before the Antichrist is even revealed!

2 Thess. 2:5  5 Don’t you remember that when I was with you I used to tell you these things? 6 And now you know what is holding him back, so that he may be revealed at the proper time. 7 For the secret power of lawlessness is already at work; but the one who now holds it back will continue to do so till he is taken out of the way. 8 And then the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord Jesus will overthrow with the breath of his mouth and destroy by the splendor of his coming.

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