
Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Somebody on the Far Left Vandalized Pelosi’s House

Today’s Democrat leaders have no idea what they have unleashed on the far left. They think they will placate them with kind words to LGBTQ. In reality the Left wants free health care, free housing, forgiveness of all debt and a national income for everyone 18 and older. They want all property taken from those who have and given to those who don’t have. They won’t be happy with $2000 in Covid relief.


House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s San Francisco home was vandalized overnight Friday, seemingly in response to the Senate failing to pass a bill for $2,000 stimulus checks.

Pelosi, whose net worth is estimated at $16 million, owns a home in San Francisco’s tony Pacific Heights neighborhood.

Although there are security cameras on the property and throughout the neighborhood, vandals succeeded in reaching Pelosi’s home, spray painting messages on her garage door, as well as dumping a pig’s head and fake blood on the property.

The graffiti read “2K” with a line through it, and the words “We want everything” written next to it, suggesting that the proposed $2,000 stimulus checks aren’t enough.

“UBI,” for Universal Basic Income, was was spray painted on the garage door and “Cancel rent.” alongside two letter As inside of circles, suggesting that an anarchist group is behind the vandalism. The “Anarchy A” is a common symbol used by anarchists.

“Unidentified suspect(s) had painted graffiti on the garage door and left a pig’s head on the sidewalk,” the San Francisco Police Department told Fox News. The department said they are investigating.

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