
Sunday, January 24, 2021

Democrats War on Words

 We already know Dems targeted words like father, mother, sister and brother. Those words are sexist and can make you feel bad, just like boy, girl, male, female already do! Now the latest word that makes Dems cringe is “alien”. No more illegal aliens please! From now on they are “noncitizens”. Please note this new rule in the same notepad you use to remember the preferred pronouns of the gender-neutral folks you will likely be meeting.

Isaiah 28     The Lord will rise up as he did at Mount Perazim, he will rouse himself as in the Valley of Gibeon — to do his work, his strange work, and perform his task, his alien task.


In a sweeping immigration reform bill, President Joe Biden proposed removing the term "alien" from U.S. immigration laws and replacing it with the word "noncitizen," marking a stark break from the previous administration which encouraged the use of the term "alien."

The bill, which also seeks to provide an eight-year path to citizenship to recipients of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, individuals with temporary protected status and millions of others living in the United States without legal immigration status, "further recognizes America as a nation of immigrants," according to a summary of the legislation released by the new administration.

Ana Maria Archila, co-executive director of the advocacy group Center for Popular Democracy, said in a statement she applauded "many aspects of the proposed legislation, including: the pathway to citizenship," as well as "the elimination of the dehumanizing term 'alien' from the law."

Rep. Joaquín Castro, D-Texas, introduced a similar proposal back in 2015 to remove the phrase "illegal alien" from federal laws and replace it with undocumented "foreign national." The bill would also have ensured that no executive branch agency uses “alien” or “illegal alien” in signage or literature.

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