
Saturday, January 23, 2021

Jews Leave America Bound for Israel

 How does God gather Jews from around the world to call them back to The Promised Land? Since many are far, far from Him and His Son, He uses persecution.  And as far Right and Left Americans start saying and doing nasty things to Jews, some are seeing the writing on the wall and reconsidering how friendly America is going to continue to be.


With all of the political instability and rapid cultural change occuring in the US, thousands, perhaps tens of thousands, of American Jews are reconsidering where their future ought to be. 

We spoke to three American Jews who have recently set sights on moving to Israel, influenced by what they feel is a general deterioration of conditions for the Jewish community in America and by what they perceive is God’s calling. 


Dan Masri of Boca Raton, FL has put plans into place to move his family back to Israel effective immediately. He told Israel365 News, “The writing is literally on the walls. The events that America has just experienced are so sequentially improbable that if an author would write a screenplay, Hollywood would dismiss it as not believable.

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