
Friday, January 22, 2021

Russia and Their Nukes of Hazzard

 Russia continues to take center stage on the chess board that is planet earth during the biblical "very last days".  We can expect Russia to rise in prominence and America to decline.

For that reason this was an interesting article today.

RUSSIA is poised to test an "unstoppable" 15,000mph nuclear missile it boasts can beat any defense and wipe out Texas.

The RS-28 Sarmat doomsday rocket is now primed to replace the much-feared R-36 - once dubbed the "Satan" nuke by Nato.

The Kremlin brags it has a range of around 6,200 miles, can carry 16 warheads and is able to dodge any missile defense system. 

Its huge payload is capable of destroying an area the size of the Lone Star State according to Zvezda, the Russian defence ministry’s TV channel.

The introduction of the long-heralded weapon has been pushed back multiple times amid delays in testing, reports The Times.

But Alexei Krivoruchko - Russia's deputy defence minister - revealed long-distance launches are now imminent.

He said: "I will note that ejection tests of the Sarmat missile are completed with positive results.

"In the near future we will begin carrying out flight tests of this rocket complex."

Krivoruchko then chillingly added: "By virtue of its capabilities, no missile defense weapon, even the most advanced, can hinder it."


It is amazing to realize just how fast our world could change.  We love to think that things will always stay exactly the same.  We have said numerous times that we would love to believe the rapture is what leads to America's collapse. But of course we can't KNOW that.

Just remember that Jesus said people will be eating, drinking, marrying, giving in marriage, planting and building in the days leading up to His return.  That means things will be relatively normal.  Exploding Texas with a nuclear bomb with millions dead and retaliatory attacks launching nukes in return DOES NOT sound like a relatively normal situation.

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