
Monday, February 22, 2021

Did Biden Cause Polar Vortex by Snubbing Israel?

I read a book about 10 years ago that showed an incredible correlation between weather and financial calamities in the USA happening within days of something America had done to negatively affect Israel.  It could be that the coldest weather ever recorded in Texas history has something to do with Biden snubbing Israel and/or giving a shout out to Iran by saying he will sign the bogus nuke deal and give them a clear path to developing a nuke. Yes, the same country that opens all government sessions with a chant, “Death to America! Death to Israel!”  Thanks Sleepy Joe!  Remember, when you touch Israel you are touching God’s eye.


The year’s coldest weather hit the central US last week and though the direct cause was a polar vortex that came sweeping down from the north, a closer look at the history of the tragically misnamed “Peace process” shows an undeniable correlation between anti-Israel policyand massive natural catastrophes, economic disasters, or worse.

The current polar vortex hit from the Lower Mississippi Valley into the Mid-Atlantic and Northeast from February 12-16 but another round of low temperatures hit over the weekend. At least 2,400 cold temperature records were broken or tied., some of them going back 75 years or more. Temperatures over the southern and central plains were 40 – 50 °F below average. The low temperatures were accompanied by ice and snow. more than 5 million homes were without power, most of them in Texas. More than 30 people have lost their lives.

Though Biden’s Middle East policy may seem unrelated, it should be noted that in the few short weeks since he has been in office, his administration has reversed many of the pro-Israel policies set in place by the Trump Administration. This distancing from the US’s closest ally was indicated by Biden’s refraining from contacting the Israeli Prime Minister until last Wednesday. This was in direct contradiction to his administration reestablishing relations with the Palestinian Authority and restoring aid. On Thursday, the administration announced that they had accepted an invitation to meet with Iran to negotiate a return to the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) commonly known as the Iran nuclear deal. The Obama-brokered agreement signed in 2915 would effectively give Iran an unrestrained nuclear weapons program within four years.

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