
Monday, February 22, 2021

Pentagon Admits it Has UFO Wreckage

 The major deception continues to build!  Now the Pentagon is confirming that it does have off-world wreckage.  Something that wasn't made on this earth??  Of course the vast majority of humans will believe that intelligent life has evolved on other planets...just like it evolved on a lifeless earth!  No Creator necessary.

We continue to believe that this will be a huge part of the LAST DAYS deception carried out by Satan and his minions to totally deceive those folks left behind following the rapture of the church.

THE Pentagon has admitted to holding and testing wreckage from UFO crashes in a bombshell Freedom of Information letter, shared with The Sun.

Researcher Anthony Bragalia wrote to the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) requesting details of all UFO material, which they hold and results of any tests they had been carrying out on it.

He wrote: "This could include physical debris recovered by personnel of the Department of Defense as residue, flotsam, shot-off material or crashed material from UAPS [unidentified aerial phenomenon] or unidentified flying objects."

In the response, shared with The Sun, the DIA released 154 pages of test results that includes reports on a mysterious "memory" metal called Nitinol, which remembers its original shape when folded.

Bragalia said it was a "stunning admission" from the US government and the documents reveal that some of the retrieved debris possesses "extraordinary capabilities" including the potential to make things invisible or even slow down the speed of light.

He told The Sun: "The Pentagon has admitted to holding and testing anomalous debris from UFOs.

"They have been able to learn some things about the materials of construction which hold tremendous promise as futuristic materials which will change our lives forever."

He said he first made the request in 2017 - which took three years for the DIA to fulfill - after it was revealed the Pentagon had been studying UFOs under the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP).

"The article mentioned that anomalous debris from UFOs (now called UAPs) was being analyzed by a private defense contractor," Bragalia said.

"Material evidence such as UFO debris has been a focus of my research.

"My Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request was very specific, seeking the test results of UFO/UAP debris, not material already known to science."

Bragalia believes some of the material that is being tested could have come from the notorious Roswell incident of 1947, in which a UFO crashed in New Mexico.

"The inclusion of advanced technical reports on Nitinol is curious," Bragalia said.

"Nitinol is a shape-memory alloy that 'remembers' its original shape when folded or crunched, and snaps back seamlessly and instantly.

"This memory metal characteristic was reported by many witnesses at Roswell."


And here;

For any new readers out there please know that this is simply a huge demonic deception.  There aren't really "aliens" running around the galaxy from other planets.  They are simply demons in disguise.  The same demons that have been terrifying mankind since Adam was in the garden with Eve.

This news should remind all followers of Christ how close we may be to The Great Tribulation spoken of in Revelation.  Our blessed hope is that the trumpet will sound soon and that we will all meet Jesus in the clouds.

Hat tip to Jeremy.

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