
Monday, February 22, 2021

Supreme Court Throws Out Slew of 2020 Election Suits

 With every passing day, it's not looking good for a Trump 2020 election victory.  Yes, some of you have said that God's prophets heard very clearly that Trump would serve another term.  Could it be that these self-proclaimed prophets heard from someone else besides God?  Could it be that God has already given us His Word via that Bible and that we shouldn't be focused on any other words, especially from modern-day prophets claiming to speak for God?

This morning the Supreme Court threw out a series of remaining challenges to election processes and election results in several states left over from the recent presidential election cycle.

One of the lawsuits was brought by Rep. Mike Kelly (R-Pa.) who challenged President Joe Biden’s victory over former President Donald Trump. Kelly had asked the Supreme Court to consider his lawsuit which challenged mail-in voting policies in his home state of Pennsylvania.

Kelly argued that Act 77, the 2019 state statute that authorized universal, no-excuses mail-in voting, violated the Constitution.

The Supreme Court also denied a petition seeking review in Republican Party of Pennsylvania v. Degraffenreid.

Another case dismissed was brought by lawyer L. Lin Wood against Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, challenging results and policies in Georgia.

A case from Arizona, Ward v. Jackson, was also dismissed. That lawsuit challenged Biden’s victory at the polls in the state.

An appeal lodged by Trump against Wisconsin results was denied. The case was Trump v. Biden. Another Wisconsin-related appeal, King v. Whitmer, was dismissed.


We continue to pray that the God of Justice will reveal any lies, fraud or stolen elections.  And if there is wickedness in high places in America that these also would be brought to light.  We also pray for all of our leaders because the Bible commands us to do so, even if we didn't vote for them.

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