
Thursday, March 25, 2021

Confused Transgender Wrestler Speaks Out

So the story here is of a girl who thinks she is a boy. She started transitioning to a boy, taking boy drugs, and then the State wouldn’t let her wrestle as a boy so she wrestled against girls. Lots of folks weren’t happy about it.  Remember when not so long ago in the Olympics they drug tested the Russians because some of their girls looked an awfully lot like women?  Common sense still existed back then and the Olympic committee knew that men had an unfair advantage over women.  Not so much today.  Now let’s listen to a few wise words from this confused young person, celebrated by the media of course. Yes, she probably damaged her young body and has mental problems from the drugs but whatever!  It’s more important than trans kids can “live in their truth.”  You see, we all have our own truths today.  It’s very woke.


“I can say that I was biologically a woman, so technically there was no advantage,” Beggs said. “And I made sure there was no advantage because when I was on testosterone, I took a hormone blocker on top of taking my hormones. So it wasn’t just my estrogen being depleted, but it was also the synthetic hormone testosterone that I was also putting inside my body that was also decreasing.”

Some experts say there is a lack of research into the side effects and risks of these treatments on transgender adolescents. Beggs further noted that there are even fewer studies on transgender athletes specifically using his methods.

“I probably could have messed up my body in high school because of that, and I honestly don’t know what the biological factors are or what hormonal factors will do to me in the future,” he said. “I just think, you know, let these [trans] kids live in their truth.”

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