
Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Pope and Emmanuel Macron Have Another Visit

 Let me start out by saying that we have no clue who the Antichrist or False Prophet are.  2 Thessalonians is very clear that they won't be revealed until the RESTRAINER is removed from earth.  Most of us believe that Paul was speaking about the Holy Spirit indwelling all followers of Christ which actually holds back the power of Satan who IS currently holding the title Prince of This Earth.

2 Thessalonians    For the secret power of lawlessness is already at work; but the one who now holds it back will continue to do so till he is taken out of the way. And then the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord Jesus will overthrow with the breath of his mouth and destroy by the splendor of his coming.

With all that beings said, we still can't resist posting an article that features the Pope and the President of France.  We believe if the rapture were to happen yesterday that the Pope would lead the Vegas odds betting to be the False Prophet and Macron would lead the betting to fulfill the role of Antichrist.

Pope Francis and France’s President Emmanuel Macron spoke by phone on Sunday, according to a press release from the President’s Office at Élysée Palace.

The call, which was requested by the Pope, marks the fifth time the two world leaders have spoken since Macron’s election in 2017.

Their conversation reportedly lasted around 40 minutes, and came after President Macron sent the Pope a message on the occasion of the 8th anniversary of his election to the papacy.

The last time they spoke was October 30th of last year, after the attacks on the Cathedral of Nice, which killed 3 people.

The Élysée press office said that during their Sunday conversation the two spoke at length about Pope Francis’ recent Apostolic Journey to Iraq.

Macron said the visit marked “a true turning point” for the Middle Eastern region.

The pair also dwelt on their “thoughts and concerns” about several crises affecting various parts of the globe.

These included “the expansion of jihadism in Africa—both in the Sahel region and the continent’s east coast”, as well as the critical situation in Lebanon.

According to the Élysée press statement, President Macron also spoke to the Pope about the “challenges of a post-Covid world”.

Pope Francis published a book with British journalist Austen Ivereigh on the subject, in which he said humanity has been given the opportunity to build a better world after the pandemic.


Many have asked the question of whether or not the Antichrist and False prophet WILL KNOW that they are those people?  We believe the answer is no. They will initially truly believe they are doing great work to try and rebuild the world that will be in chaos post-rapture.

Notice how the Pope even published a book that includes "building a better world".  Also notice he just returned from Iraq where he, some Muslim clerics and some Jewish rabbis all got together to discuss some interfaith issues because they are all sons of Abraham and guessing all in attendance believe that Catholics, Muslims and Jews all worship the exact same God.


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