
Saturday, March 27, 2021

Get Your Vaccine or You Soon Won’t Be Going Anywhere

Pretty sure we have pointed this out enough in past months.  But clearly we can see how this whole vaccination requirement in order to go to class, get on airplane, attend sporting events, concerts, etc... is prepping all humans to “get the mark” in order to buy or sell anything.


On Thursday, Rutgers University announced that it will be requiring all students to be vaccinated prior to returning to campus for the 2021 fall semester.

According to the university’s news website, the school will allow certain students to avoid the requirement and request an exemption. They can do this for religious or medical purposes. Students that are fully enrolled in programs that are online and “individuals participating in online-only continuing education programs” will also not have to get vaccinated.

“The COVID-19 vaccines have proven to be safe and effective in preventing serious illness, hospitalization and death,” said Brian Strom, chancellor of Rutgers Biomedical and Health Sciences and executive vice president for health affairs at Rutgers. “Vaccination is key to stopping the current pandemic and to the return of campus instruction and activities closer to what we were accustomed to before the pandemic drastically changed life at Rutgers.”

Students under the age of 18 will be counseled by the school to get the Pfizervaccine, which is the only vaccine that has been approved for use by people who are below the age of 16. Pfizer, Moderna, and Johnson & Johnsonvaccines are all approved for people over the age of 18.

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