
Monday, March 29, 2021

Show a Photo of Muhammad and Get Murdered

 The religion of peace is at it again!  This teacher dared to show some published photos by French newspaper to his class and now his life is over.  Not only his but he fears for his family.  Free speech is dying quite quickly in the West.


The teacher who prompted protests after showing a cartoon of the Prophet Mohammed fears that he and his family will be murdered, his father has said.

The religious studies teacher remains in hiding after receiving death threats and has told his family “it’s all over” and he will never be able to return to his job or his home.

Batley Grammar School in West Yorkshire sent pupils home last week and issued an apology after the parents of Muslim children gathered at the gates to protest. The RS teacher was described as a “terrorist” in a letter from one community leader.

His family has now accused the school’s head teacher, Gary Kibble, of “throwing him under a bus” by failing to fight his corner while he lives as a fugitive.

The teacher’s father said: “My son keeps breaking down crying and says that it's all over for him. He is worried that he and his family are all going to be killed.

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