
Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Has Judgment Already Begun for America?

I have heard from some fellow believers that America is on the verge of a great revival. They reason that when things look awful in America that’s when God is going to get to work and call the nation back from its sexual perversion, drug addictions, drunkenness, worshipping false gods, ignoring the Sabbath and every other nation-destroying sin that our cup is full of.

Well, here’s another idea...America is done as a nation. We have put up our middle finger to God and His son for too long.  

So great times are ahead for the believer (our blessed hope that Jesus will soon come for us) but pain, misery and suffering for the American unbeliever could be in America’s near future.


“Go tell them,” preached MacArthur, paraphrasing God’s call to Isaiah in Isaiah Chapter 6, “it’s too late. You wouldn’t listen, you wouldn’t see, you wouldn’t believe, and now you can’t.”

“Tell them it is too late. Judgment is already in motion.”

Near the end of his sermon, MacArthur addressed how he believed the passages about the parable and the notion of being “too late” to be saved applied to the modern church.

One lesson he felt was important was that “it can be for a generation of people too late. Too late for eighth century [BC] Israel, too late for first century [AD] Israel, but it can be too late for every nation.”

“How do you know when a nation passes the point where salvation is possible for a people?” asked MacArthur, who answered by citing Romans 1.

“When you see a nation deep in sexual sin, pervasively affirming of homosexuality, and the insanity of a reprobate mind, where they make laws to criminalize righteousness and to legalize gross evil, you know that nation’s under judgment,” said MacArthur.

MacArthur went on to state that “our message to this nation” is that “it’s too late for the nation, we’re under judgment,” but added that “it’s not too late for the elect.”

“What’s our message to this nation? You’re under judgment; it’s too late. Judgment has been unleashed. You can hear, but not understand. You can see, but not perceive,” he said.

“But God has His people. So we warn, because we don’t know who those people are and we also offer the grace of the Gospel. That’s our calling.”

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