
Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Iran and China Sign 25 Yr Cooperation Agreement

Iran is in the news headlines almost daily.  Why?  The only reason is biblical.  They have been set up on the Last Days chessboard because they have a serious role to fill before Jesus returns...not for His bride, the church, but for His 2nd Advent to establish His Millennial Kingdom.

Notice in the article that the United States is mentioned as being a catalyst for drawing these 2 forces together.  They both are under US sanctions so “my enemies enemy is my friend”. 


Tehran, Iran – Iran and China have signed a long-gestating 25-year cooperation accord as both countries remain under Unites States sanctions.

The agreement is said to have been in the works since Chinese President Xi Jinping visited Iran in 2016, also agreeing to increase bilateral trade more than 10-fold to $600bn in the next decade.

No details of the agreement have yet to be officially published, but it is expected to be a sweeping “strategic accord” that includes significant Chinese investments in Iran’s key sectors such as energy and infrastructure, in addition to military cooperation.

It comes as both Iran and China are under different levels of sanctions imposed by the US.

After unilaterally abandoning Iran’s 2015 nuclear deal with world powers – that also included China – former US President Donald Trump imposed harsh sanctions on Iran that have blacklisted its entire financial system.

While saying he wants to restore the deal, President Joe Biden has so far refused to lift any sanctions, saying Iran must first act to fulfil commitments it scaled back in response to US sanctions.

China and Russia have called on the US to restore the deal by lifting sanctions, while traders and analysts say Iran’s oil exports to China have significantly increased in March despite US warnings.

Rouhani thanked Wang on Saturday for China’s stance on the nuclear deal and standing up to “American unilateralism”.

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