
Friday, March 12, 2021

Many Saudis Now Saying Jerusalem is Israel's Capital, 3rd Temple Should be Built

 Who could have imagined even a few years ago that these Arab-Muslim nations would start to side with Israel?  And how about the idea that many of them are starting to suggest that the 3rd Temple should be built!

The Trump initiated Abraham Accords is still enjoying ripple effects to this day. A group of people from Saudi Arabia, a country which has yet to normalize relations with Israel and who has traditionally been the biggest backers of the PLO, are tweeting support for Jerusalem as the capital of the Jewish people and other pro-Israel and pro-peace messages using the hashtag “#قبلة_اليهود_لاتعني_لنا”, which translated from Arabic into: “The Jewish aspirations has nothing to do with us” reports Israellycool. 

Some Saudis went so far as to call for the third Jewish Temple to be built!

Israel365 News initially reported on the phenomenon after many of the comments noted that the Temple Mount has, in fact, no significance to Islam, a claim that is becoming more prominent in Saudi Arabian social discourse


If you are reading your Bibles with you prophetic lenses on, one has to realize that these are some major developments shaping up for the final 7 years of Antichrist and Great Tribulation!  And we all know that Thanksgiving comes before Christmas...meaning that the rapture comes before the Great Tribulation.

Keep looking up!  Don't be surprised if you hear a loud trumpet call!

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