
Thursday, March 11, 2021

Milo Comes Out as Ex-Gay

 This article really has nothing to do with prophecy, but it is interesting.  Milo used to be an editor for conservative news, Breitbart.  It used to drive liberals insane that a practicing gay man was a champion of conservative views.

But now it would appear that Milo has had an encounter with Jesus and Jesus is in the process of convicting him of his sodomy sin.

Establishment media have described Milo Yiannopoulos as a "right-wing provocateur," and his appearances on college campuses sometimes have been accompanied by leftist rioting.

Many on the left apparently found it hard to comprehend a gay man supporting conservative views.

Now, Yiannopoulos had another paradox for them to ponder as he identifies himself as "ex-gay."

In an interview with LifeSiteNews published Tuesday, he said he has experienced a transformation over time through his faith in Jesus Christ.

"Secular attempts at recovery from sin are either temporary or completely ineffective," he said. "Salvation can only be achieved through devotion to Christ and the works of the Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church."

He said anyone who has "read me closely over the past decade must surely have seen this coming."

"I wasn’t shy about dropping hints. In my New York Times-bestselling book 'Dangerous', I heavily hinted I might be 'coming out' as straight in the future. And in my recent stream-of-consciousness Telegram feed, I’ve been even more explicit — stomach-churningly so, if the comments under my 'x days without sodomy' posts are anything to go by," Yiannopoulos said.

"I’ve always thought of myself as a Jack Bauer sort of figure — the guy who does the hideous, inexcusable things no one else can stomach, without which the Republic will fall. I know that means my name will always be cursed, and I’ll always be a scorned outsider, so the temptation is to throw out any consideration of living well or truthfully. But even Jack Bauer has to confront his maker sooner or later."


The very idea that you can be ex-gay really has to be rubbing the Leftists wrong!  "You can't change your sexuality!", they will scream!  "Born that way!", is their battle cry for embracing and celebrating their sin.

We sincerely hope that Milo has had an encounter with the living Christ.  Christ loves his bride so much that he won't leave us in our pathetic sinful state.


  1. Milo is ex-gay, the Cap is now gay.

  2. Noooo!!! Not Captain America!!
