
Monday, April 5, 2021

Canadian COVID Police Attempt to Shut Down Church on Easter

 You might say to yourself, "Well, that's Canada but certainly it can't happen in America!"  And you would be wrong because this type of government over-reach is happening in the liberal states around us.

Covid restrictions in Canada are being enforced with an iron fist and there’s no sanctuary to escape from them, apparently not even churches.

This can be evidenced by a recent viral video showing Canadian health inspectors under police escort entering a Polish Church. Noting that they don’t have a warrant, the pastor proceeds to instruct them to leave.

Pastor Artur Pawlowski of the Cave of Adullam Church in Alberta, Canada, can be heard refusing to negotiate with the health inspector until they provide a warrant. “Get out of the property you Nazis! Gestapo is not allowed here!” he could be heard yelling.

“Nazis are not welcome here!” Pawlowski yelled as the security forces retreated.

“Intimidating people in the church during Passover!…The holiest Christian festival of the year…What is wrong with those sick psychopaths?!” he could be heard saying after the inspectors and police left the premise.


I heard over a decade ago that our brothers and sisters in Christ living in China have been praying that persecution comes to the church in America because it strengthens the body. Maybe their prayers will soon be answered when COVID 2, 3 and 4 start infecting people and lead to more shutdowns?

1 comment:

  1. Don't forget about the Edmonton pastor that was jailed for more than a month because he held church services in defiance of the Alberta Public Health Act!

    My niece is getting married in about a month and because of the lockdowns put in place by the Ontario government, her mom and dad might not be able to attend, because they are in a more severe lockdown zone and not able to travel outside of it! As it is they had to limit the number of attendees to fewer than 50 in a church that normally seats close to 1,000.

    Next on the docket are vaccine passports. Governments might not even have to implement them, big businesses, starting with air travel, will do it for them. Likely in this order:

    1) Air travel
    2) Events
    3) Grocery
    4) Big box
    5) National restaurant chains

    Small businesses will close because they will not be able to afford the new tech needed to protect the public.

    I see two sets of doors. You scan your green checkmark app to enter the first door alone, wait for it to close, and then wait for a period of time while your scan is verified. Once verified the second doors open up and you are free to use the services (provided you still mask up and engage in social distancing). But, if your scan does not verify a trap door opens up, you fall into a padded wagon, and you are whisked off to a friendly re-education camp.

    The last paragraph is only partially tongue in cheek.
