
Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Russia Massing Forces as "Never Seen Before"

 Wars and rumors of war.  We watch Russia because most prophecy watchers know them to be ancient Magog as mentioned in Ezekiel 38.  So when we see this headline about them massing military forces along their border with Ukraine we pay attention.

Could this be the spark that causes World War 3 to erupt?  At this hour, Russian and Ukrainian military forces continue to rush toward the conflict zone, and to say that things are "tense" in the region would be a tremendous understatement.  

When Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky signed Decree No. 117/2021 on March 24th, it was essentially a declaration of war against Russia.  Since that time, Russian forces have been massing along the borders in numbers that we have never seen before.  

Video after video of Russian tanks, military vehicles and troops being moved toward the conflict zone have been posted on social media, and the Ukrainians have responded by making similar moves.  But if the Russians launch a full-blown invasion, the Ukrainians will be totally outmatched, and they will ask the United States and NATO to intervene.

In the end, this is a game of chess between the Biden administration and the Kremlin, and one false move could plunge us into World War 3.

Unfortunately, the rhetoric on both sides just continues to escalate.  On Thursday, the U.S. State Department once again accused the Russians of being "aggressive"...

Following Lavrov and Peskov's statements, U.S. State Department spokesman Ned Price warned Moscow against "intimidating" Ukraine.

"We're absolutely concerned by recent escalations of Russian aggressive and provocative actions in eastern Ukraine," Ned Price told reporters.

"What we would object to are aggressive actions that have an intent of intimidating, of threatening, our partner Ukraine."

And new Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin is the latest official to publicly pledge U.S. support for Ukraine...

Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin spoke to Ukraine's minister of defense on the phone Thursday to express "unwavering U.S. support for Ukraine's sovereignty" and to condemn Russian aggression in the country.

But if the Russians actually launched a full scale ground invasion of Ukraine, there would be nothing the U.S. could do to stop it.

Of course the U.S. could decide to strike back militarily in other ways, and that could set off a chain reaction which could result in global war.


Honestly, if Russia really starts pounding Ukraine, do we really believe the USA under Biden is going to start bombing Russian forces in response?  Are we really ready to start WWIII?  Does Biden even really understand what's going on?

No doubt the world is on edge in SO many places.  This is just one more to ad to the file of WARS AND RUMORS OF WAR.

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