
Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Why Revival is America's Only Hope

 What happens when a nation not only turns from God from openly starts giving God the middle finger?  Of course if you read Bible history those nations end up in the trash heap of history!  Have you run across any Amorites lately?  How about running into any Amalekites or Philistines?

Is there a good reason that America isn't mentioned anywhere in Bible prophecy?  Hopefully the reason is that this nation collapsed when the Holy Spirit was totally withdrawn from her at the rapture of the church.  But if the Lord tarries it's not hard to see how this nation has become a stench in the nostrils of God.  Maybe we followers of Christ will be around to see her destruction?  Lord knows America deserves it.  Honestly, out of 200,000,000 adults in America, how many of them do you suppose started or ended their day with Bible reading and prayer?  Look at your next door neighbors, co-workers and college friends and figure it out.  No doubt it has become a very, very small percentage.

There is a famine in the land.  Not of food and water but of the hearing of the Word of the Lord.

We have become a nation that only believes God (if there really is one?) is only around to bless us and NEVER would He curse us!  God bless America!

The results are in: America's stage four cancer has metastasized to the family and the church as well as to the government and the schools. We are more depraved than ever before. 

Animals are guarded but innocent children are slaughtered. Porn is protected and sex-trafficking is on the rise. Cardi B's lyrics get a pass but Scriptures are banned on social media. 

Words cannot express this outright lunacy. Like the bungee jumper who plunged to her death because she thought she heard "now jump," when, in reality, her instructor said, "No jump!" 

America thinks that she is hearing from God, but she is not. We are drowning in a cesspool of moral filth: "The wicked freely parade and prance about while evil is praised throughout the land" (Psalm 12:8). 

Recently, a father was arrested for referring to his biological 14-year-old daughter as "she" after she transitioned to a male gender. "But that's in Canada," you say. Trust me, we are not far behind. 

Most on the liberal left would have no problem imprisoning anyone who disagreed with them, and that's exactly where the Equality Act is going -- unless you accept, rejoice in, and validate sin they are coming after you. Revival is our only hope. 

The cold hard truth is that many are not willing to pay the price. Gone are the days of John Wesley, George Whitefield, and Jonathan Edwards who would fast and pray as if America's future depended upon it (because it did and still does). It's no surprise that Edwards' famous sermon, "Sinners in the Hand of an Angry God", was preached at the tail end of his three-day fast. 

Today that title would be labeled offensive and many pastors would be too ashamed to preach it -- too ashamed because they lack the fire of the Spirit.  

Gone are the days of David Brainard who spent nights in agonizing prayer, as well as "praying" John Hyde, William Bramwell, and countless others who prayed fervently for our nation. Instead of carrying the baton and running the race, we are captivated by American Idol, love our porn, and over-indulge. King Stomach is clearly on the throne. 

Today, most pastors want to be popular and most Christians want their ears tickled. If you doubt this, just look at the top sermons on social media today and their attire. The messages are soothing rather than convicting. As in Israel's day, the people still say, "You must not prophesy to us what is right! Speak to us pleasant things and smooth words, prophesy [deceitful] illusions [that we will enjoy]" (Isaiah 30:10 AMP).

Granted, we need to hear uplifting messages, but we have a huge problem when pastors don't want to ruffle feathers and Christians don't want to hear controversial topics. America's stage four cancer was caused by a bad diet of frivolous preaching. The cure will require a complete diet change back to whole life-giving food from the Word of God. 

I don't say this in arrogance; my heart breaks for the church. This article is more of a plea than a rebuke, but the truth is, "We have too many puppets in our pulpits and not enough prophets" (Leonard Ravenhill). 

Pastors and Christians must lead the way, but the way won't be popular and wide, it will be narrow and difficult. We must fast like it matters, pray like we mean it, and seek God as if everything depends upon it, because it does. 

Here;  Why Revival Is America’s Only Hope! (

It is our belief (please note we have been wrong before) that there simply isn't enough time on God's prophetic calendar to have America build up again into a God-fearing nation filled with Bible readers and solid preaching.  If the birth pangs announcing the soon-coming Tribulation are converging, and they are, then it makes the most sense for America to collapse immediately following the rapture.  When that happens the US Dollar will also collapse as faith and confidence in the currency vanish.  And of course this will give rise to the Man With a Plan (aka Antichrist) who will already have a population used to showing a COVID vaccine to fly or enter many stores.  It will be just a tiny step further to order that all those same folks take a mark in order to access the new global financial system

 Please Jesus, blow the trumpet!  We are ready for the next chapters of your story!  We can see where this world is headed and we are yearning to see the day when you remove the curse.

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