
Thursday, April 8, 2021

Male Prisoners Identifying as Females Moved to Female Prisons

It has been said that liberalism is a mental illness. They come up with bizarre ideas and double down on them even when those ideas can clearly be seen to be lunacy.  This whole “claim your gender” and allowing all people to “self identify” is so demonstrably silly that even a 5 yr old would understand. But for the adults ruling CA it’s not silly for a male prisoner to self identify today as female and then request to be moved to a female prison.  It makes perfect sense in their fantasy world of gender studies.


Since January, 261 California prison inmates have requested transfers to prisons aligning with their gender identity, the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation told the Daily Caller News Foundation Tuesday.

Democratic California Gov. Gavin Newsom signed S.B. 132 into law in January, a bill that requires the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR) to ask every individual entering the department’s custody to specify their pronouns, their gender identity, and whether they identify as transgender, nonbinary, or intersex.

The law prevents CDCR from disciplining the individual if that individual refuses to give this information, allows for the information to be updated later on, and requires staff to use the gender pronouns that the individual requested.

It also requires that CDCR house the individual in a “correctional facility designated for men or women based on the individual’s preference.” Similar legislation has been passed in Connecticut and Massachusetts.

Since the bill went into effect in January, 261 inmates have requested “gender-based housing” transfers, the CDCR told the DCNF Tuesday. The vast majority of these requests were from inmates requesting to be transferred to female facilities, and only six inmates did not request to be in a women’s facility.

“255 are from transgender women and non-binary incarcerated people who are requesting to be housed in a female institution and six are from transgender men and non-binary incarcerated people who are requesting to be housed in a male institution,” Deputy Press Secretary Terry Thornton told the DCNF.

CDCR has not denied a single gender-based housing request, the spokeswoman confirmed.

The CDCR has approved 21 of the requests, and four of these 21 have been transferred to Central California Women’s Facility in Chowchilla.

“Two of the 21 have changed their minds,” Thornton said. The spokeswoman said that as of April 2, 1,129 incarcerated people self-identify as transgender, non-binary, and intersex.

Prison inmates at Chowchilla told the Los Angeles Times that “men are coming” and that the prisoners should anticipate sexual violence.

“That if we think it’s bad now, be prepared for the worst. That it’s going to be off the hook, it’s going to be jumping,” 41-year-old Tomiekia Johnson told the publication that staffers said. “They say we’re going to need a facility that’s going to be like a maternity ward. They say we’re going to have an inmate program where inmates become nannies.”

Prisoners fear that inmates requesting transfers are lying about their gender identity in order to be transferred to women’s prisons, the LA Times reported. This has slowed down the transfer process, according to the publication.


  1. Why do we even have "men's" or "women's" prisons anyway? We know that gender is only a social construct. We should just build a fence around a state and release everyone into the general population. It is the only "fair" way. Lord of the Flies anyone?

    Personally, I identify as

    - a man on Mondays (He, Him, His, His, Himself)
    - a woman on Tuesdays (She, Her, Her, Hers, Herself)
    - gender neutral on Wednesdays (They, Them, Their, Theirs, Themself)
    - non-binary on Thursdays (Xe, Xem, Xyr, Xyrs, Xemself)
    - transhuman (partially robotic) on Fridays (Bip, Bap, Bayp, Bop, Bepself)
    - and on the weekend I am gender fluid so you will be wrong no matter how you refer to me

    Please note that all pronouns must be capitalized because I also have a God complex!

    The madness is unceasing.

  2. Your comment is funny, sad and true. We can certainly see how these deluded, “woke” people will believe the lie that Antichrist will bring following the rapture.
