Friday, April 16, 2021

Part Human Part Monkey

 Jesus seems to hint that the Last Days will be similar to what they were in the Days of Noah.  Of course there were many things happening right before the flood.  But one thing that was happening is that fallen angels were taking women and having sex with them which led to the creation of strange flesh.  Further hints given elsewhere would also lead us to believe that those same angels were also making strange flesh (perverted flesh) using animals.

Today we read that science keeps pushing the bounds of creating life by splicing DNA of different kinds of animals together.  These are called chimeras. 

Scientists injected dozens of human stem cells into developing monkey embryos, and the resulting hybrids survived for up to 20 days in lab dishes.

These human-monkey embryos could someday serve as helpful models for human disease, embryonic development and aging, the study authors noted in a new report, published April 15 in the journal Cell. By zooming in on the interaction of human and animal cells in the embryos, scientists could also learn how to help human cells survive amongst animal cells, potentially advancing the effort to grow human organs in living animal models. 

Such studies would offer a window into human biology that would otherwise require experimenting on humans, making such studies currently impossible. Of course, the development of human-animal chimeras — organisms that contain cells from two or more species — raises its own ethical concerns, especially in regard to how long such embryos should be allowed to develop.


Why yes!  It does raise some ethical concerns!  If you create some being in the lab that is half pig-half human does it have a soul?  Can it be redeemed?  Is it made in the image of God the Creator?  Does it know the difference between good and evil?

But of course science will keep pushing ahead regardless of what some see as ethical concerns.  Remember that scientists in China have vastly different ethics than some American scientists and certainly we have no say here what they are doing in labs around the world.

We believe that when man starts tinkering with the very building blocks of life that it points to one more sign that shows us that we are nearing the very end of the age.

Even so, Come Lord Jesus!


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