
Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Setting the Scene for Global Destruction

 My, oh my!  The articles and headlines just keep coming that describe the end of the world most likely because of nuclear weapons. Followers of Christ don’t fear the schemes of men because we know that God of the Universe has it all under control. In fact he laughs at the plans of men.  That being said check out this latest article of how USA, Russia and China are all going to lay claim the Arctic territory and how military assets are already being built up there.


On April 8 the front pages of the main U.S. newspapers noted that President Biden was “open to compromise” and a quick glance prompted optimism that Uncle Joe might be seeing some sense about international developments. He said that “Debate is welcome. Compromise is inevitable. Changes are certain,” which is a deep and important statement that would be immensely heartening if it referred to U.S. relations with China and Russia.

Alas, his words referred to purely domestic affairs, in that the White House was preparing to compromise with the blinkered Republican Party which is intent on defending business interests — and especially those concerned with weapons’ production — at the expense of the average citizen. Joe declared that he is “sick and tired of ordinary people being fleeced,” which is an understandable point of view. But the way he’s heading in foreign policy means that these ordinary people, and everyone else in the U.S. and all round the world, may well be conned, and possibly terminally. They are facing ever-increasing danger of being destroyed, because Joe is backing the sabre-brandishers in their encouragement of confrontation and provocation that could well lead to major war.

Make no mistake : there is going to be no such thing as “limited” war if the U.S.-Nato military alliance continues to goad and antagonise Russia and China. If there is a clash of military forces there will be escalation, and the ensuing conflict will inevitably heighten the risk of nuclear exchanges which would destroy the planet.

China is also a threat, according to Stoltenberg, but the main one in the north is identified as Russia, so in addition to U.S. strategic bomber flights there have been other war preparations involving Nato countries, including a deployment in which “U.S. Marines and Sailors with Marine Rotational Force-Europe 21.1 enhanced their warfighting ability above the Arctic Circle during exercise Arctic Littoral Strike in Northern Norway from March 11-31.”

Further confrontation will include Exercise Northern Edge from 3-12 May, in which, according to the U.S. Air Force Times, “Ten thousand troops will descend on the High North to practice how the U.S. military might react if simmering tensions in the Arctic reach a boiling point.”

The U.S. is preparing for war in the Arctic, and the “boiling point” referred to by the Air Force Times might not be far away. It’s entirely up to Washington to decide on how long the military manoeuvres will continue and what level they will reach. If the provocations are so relentless as to result in local exchanges of fire, there is every possibility that escalation will be rapid — and it could be final. The solution is for Washington to calm down, and President Joe Biden would be well advised to extend his domestic policy to international affairs, in which “Debate is welcome. Compromise is inevitable. Changes are certain.”

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