
Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Whitehouse Spokeswoman Blames “White Conservative Christians”

So if those dang white Christians refuse to get the vaccine, we are done appealing to the science that they understand! We are trying plan B which is advertising on red neck TV, NASCAR and Country Music stuff!  Oh my goodness!  The liberal elites are running the show!  If ONLY we could all be as smart, hip, woke and UN-racist as they all are...then the world could live as one!...exactly as the John Lennon song imagined! No government, no religion, no borders, all share equally, no heaven, hell or racism!  Utopia!  And the only thing standing in the way is those dang Conservative Christians!  Any ideas on how we can rid the world of them?


White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki pointed the finger at white conservative Christians for vaccine hesitancy at her press briefing on Monday.

“We are also investing $3 billion to states and community organizations to strengthen vaccine confidence,” Psaki said, “The highest risk and hardest hit communities. And often, people just think of that as Black and Brown communities. It is not. As you have noted, it is also conservative communities, white Evangelicals, it’s a range of communities around the country.”

Dr. Fauci and Dr. Collins have done media interviews to promote the administration’s vaccine message, and Psaki adds where they are seeking out these apparently low-information vaccine candidates.“We’ve run PSAs on the ‘Deadliest Catch,’ we’re engaged with NASCAR and Country Music TV,” Psaki added. “We’re looking for a range of ways to get directly connected to white conservative communities. We won’t always be the best messengers, but we are still trying to meet people where they are, but also empower local organizations.”

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