
Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Has Hyper Inflation Started in America?

 We can see lumber prices up 400% and yet houses being built at recode pace. We see a bag of salad at the grocery store costing $5.00.  We hear corn is $7.75/bushel. Gasoline is up over 100%.  Could this be the start of prices going to the moon for everything? When folks realize their money in savings is losing value they will take it out and buy anything and everything they can which leads to higher prices as demand soars past supply. We don’t know if this is the start of such a thing but we do know that printing trillions of dollars over the past 10 years will have consequences.

The Bible speaks of hyper inflation in the very last days, when men will work all day for just enough money to buy a loaf of bread.


We are now living through the initial stages of hyperinflation and the collapse of the debt-based dollar, as prices on nearly everything continue to skyrocket by the day. The massive printing of trillions of dollars by the Federal Reserve — and catapulting of that money into the economy via “stimulus” handouts — is overheating demand for commodities like wood, copper, aluminum and iron. At the same time, the national economic infrastructure that delivers goods is crumbling, due to the free covid stimulus money reward workers for staying home and avoiding productive jobs.

So we now have a government that’s destroying the money supply and destroying the productive economy with endless money printing. The end result is not in doubt: Runaway hyperinflation, scarcity of food, fuel and other goods, and the accelerating collapse of the small businesses that power this nation.

Ultimately, this also means the collapse of major U.S. cities into chaos and lawlessness as the last remaining vestiges of civilized society melt into nothing.

Even while the criminally corrupt government claims there is been zero inflation, in truth the dollar has already lost 20% – 40% of its purchasing power this year alone. These are the beginning stages of runaway hyperinflation. With many food staples already seeing 70% – 90% increases in the commercial markets (corn, soy, canola, etc.), these prices increases are just months away from festering their way into retail food prices. By the end of 2021, food prices at retail will have doubled or tripled compared to 2020. And shortages will be far worse than they are now.

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