
Thursday, May 13, 2021

First Ever All Gay Navy Helicopter Crew!

 We should all be so proud! So woke! So tolerant! So affirming! So amazing!

The US Navy now has a helicopter crew of 4 men and those 4 men are all homosexual offenders!  Check out their photo in the article as they proudly display their rainbow flag.

Did the Navy purposefully put 4 sodomites together in one crew just to show how woke and proud THEY are?  Or are there no so many offenders in the Navy that 4 of them just happened to end up in the same cockpit? (No pun intended)


Now, we haven’t really ‘won’ a war in a long time, granted. We fought to a draw in Korea; won many battles in Vietnam but ultimately lost the war to the Communist faction; and we have spent trillions fighting low-tech wars in Iraq and Afghanistan collectively for decades with literally nothing to show for it.

But the overarching objective of the military is to fight and win the macro wars — wars that, were we to lose, our country would be invaded and taken over by a foreign power that would not be very hospitable to the conquered American nation.

With that in mind, in the few short months Joe Biden’s handlers have been in power, the U.S. military has become ground zero for the next major assault on a fundamental American institution — in fact, the last American institution left standing, since the left has already taken over education, entertainment, the arts, science and the popular culture.

But the difference this time is that the future safety and security of our country is literally at stake.

In recent weeks, various branches of the military have openly begun advocating for LGBTQ ‘wokeness,’ as reported by LifeSite News:

Under the Biden-Harris administration, the normalizing of homosexuality and transgenderism within the ranks of the U.S. military is accelerating. 

“History was made on Friday with the first ever all gay U.S. Navy helicopter crew,” tweeted veteran Navy Intelligence Officer and left-wing activist Travis Akers, along with pictures of the homosexual flyers.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the message Tom from VA! Look forward to meeting you in person, hopefully soon! Maranatha!
