
Thursday, May 13, 2021

ISIS Backs Arabs of Palestine

You gotta think that if ISIS approves of what you are doing then you are probably on the wrong side of things.

 The radical Islamic social media machine run by ISIS is exploiting the violence in Israel to push a new message: The Palestinians should wage a jihad (holy war) and kill the Jews, an Israeli watchdog group reported this week.

The Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) released a report Monday showing that pro-ISIS websites and social media channels want the Palestinians to start an all-out war against Israel.

MEMRI found that these sources are using the riots and rocket attacks to push their message of jihad, encouraging Palestinian Arabs to intensify their violence to achieve a Muslim victory over the Jews.

Beginning last week, several pro-ISIS Telegram channels posted calls for attacks on Israelis and Jews, under hashtags like #Hunt_them_O_Muwahid and #SlaughteringTheJews.

Other pro-ISIS channels posted links to old ISIS videos threatening Israel and Jews and urged their supporters to spread the videos and links under the trending hashtag #PalestineIsMyCause. Under the same hashtag, some channels posted a compilation of segments from official ISIS videos declaring that ISIS is at war with Israel and the Jews and urging Muslims to kill Jews.

Over the weekend, the pro-ISIS Al-Battar Foundation released a poster titled “O People of Palestine, This Is the Only Solution,” urging Arabs to reject nationalism and democracy and wage uncompromising jihad against the Jews, asserting that this is the only way to defeat Israel.

At the top of the poster is a compilation of images, including the Dome of the Rock; scenes of Israeli soldiers arresting Palestinians with bullseyes drawn on the figures of the soldiers; Palestinian protesters throwing rocks; Palestinian Authority head Mahmoud Abbas and Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh; and armed ISIS fighters standing guard and reciting from the Quran.

The text beneath the images states that the “filthy Jews” expel Muslims from their homes, and that they dare to do this only because “the Muslims of Palestine have relished the weakness represented by nationalism, patriotic zeal, and all forms of jahiliyah [ideologies reminiscent of pre-Islamic paganism].”

Here;  ISIS Backs Palestinians, Urges All-Out Jihad on Israel | United with Israel

Sounds like they even have a trending hashtag #slaughterTheJews.  I'm going to take a wild guess that while Trump and Mike Lindell got canceled from Twitter, ISIS and other terrorists are free to post their racist, Arab-Islamic-supremist crap.  

And let's remember that Biden and his handlers gave the Arabs of Palestine millions of dollars in COVID relief.  Did they use it to better their economy and help the quarantined unemployed?  That would be a big, fat NO!  They used the money to keep paying families of terrorists who are killed or in jail who receive a pension from the PLO or Hamas for killing or maiming Jews.  They also used it to help fund the 1000 missiles they have shot indiscriminately into Israel. 

I'm also going to take a wild guess and say that our Muslim Representative from Minnesota is pleased as she ponders a world without Israel.

The Bible is clear that after God regathers the Jews in the very Last Days, to the land that He promised Abraham and his descendants through Isaac and Jacob, that they would never leave the land again or ever be totally destroyed.  So the Palestinian-Arabs are fighting for the demon-god Allah and fighting against the ONLY TRUE God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

It's not going to go well for Allah worshipers in the end.

Pray for the peace of Jerusalem and pray for the Jews to find Jesus and for the Muslims to find Jesus.  It is their one and only hope for peace.  But in saying that we also know that there will never be true peace on earth until the Prince of Peace shows up and vanquishes the wicked.

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