
Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Man Comes Out as Transracial

 Have you ever felt that you are another race but are trapped in the body with the race you were born with?  Well don't worry!  Help is on the way as the first brave man has come out as transracial, paving the way for lots of folks who feel the same way to follow in his footsteps!

A British-born influencer announced this week that he is coming out as “transracial” and is now Korean.

In a series of videos he began sharing on June 26, Oli London, who boasts more than 300,000 followers on Instagram, revealed that he has had more than 18 plastic surgeries in order to become Korean and look like BTS singer, Park Ji-min. “Hey guys! I’m finally Korean. I’ve transitioned,” London said in a video posted Monday to Twitter. “I identify as Korean — that’s just my culture, that’s my home country, that’s exactly how I look now,” he added.  London also claimed he’s been “trapped in the wrong body for eight years.”

Perhaps anticipating blowback from the Left, London, who now prefers to go by “Jimin,” said, “I support all the LGBTQI+K/J community and believe everyone should be able to be who they want to be.”

In an extensive interview with The Daily Mail, the 31-year-old expressed how unsupported he feels by the LGBT community. “It is sad during Pride Month, a month that celebrates diversity, equality and love,” he said, “that WOKE people would use my coming out and sharing my non-binary Korean identify, something that took me many years to understand and accept and took me enormous courage to share with the world – and use it as a platform to bully, degrade and dehumanise me and the LGBT community.”

London went on:

“While I recognise that a lot of people don’t understand how I identify, and may find it unusual—being Korean and feeling Korean is part of who I am and how I feel. And I will never allow a single woke person, bully or troll to take that away from me.

I have gone through extreme lifestyle changes to become who I am today and have lived in Korea, I eat Korean food everyday, use Korean skincare, have plastic surgery to look Korean and I speak the Korean language—all of this shapes me as a person and my identify as a non-binary Korean person.

These same woke people who preach about tolerance are the same people who send me death threats everyday, make up false rumours and threaten me or tell me to take my life.’

Despite all this and the difficulties I endure at the hands of these radical woke trolls, I will always celebrate who I am and identify as Korean and embrace the Korean culture. And I will always have a deep and profound respect for Korean culture and the Korean people, who I love and adore with all my heart.”


One would think the the transgender folks would rush to his defense and celebrate his courage!  But no!!  They have been making fun of him and hurling all sorts of insults at him!  We are amazed at their hypocrisy and intolerance!  We thought for sure that the tent of LGBTQIA was certainly big enough to add another T to their letters, but I guess tolerance only applies to people who were trapped in the wrong gender bodies and NOT the wrong racial bodies.

A sad day for tolerance and inclusion for sure.

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