
Thursday, July 1, 2021

NFL Comes Out as Gay

I was just commenting to someone yesterday that soon every store you shop, every athletic event you attend and every fast food restaurant you frequent will be openly supporting the gay agenda.  If you think you can boycott Target for the LGBT Pride section so you'll  shop at Walmart...where will you go when Walmart opens a Pride section?  If you think you are going to turn off NBA because of their Black Lives Matter bull crap, then you better turn off all major sports because the NFL and MLB are already there.  Not sure where the NHL is but guessing they will bow to the WOKE crowd very soon.

In a new ad released Monday, the NFL made the bold statement in plain text – “Football is gay.” Then to follow up, they also claimed that football had many other sexual perversions, lesbian, queer, transgender, bisexual, etc.

It’s a wonder that the NFL has been so closely watched for decades and nobody had noticed how sexual the game actually was. No need to ponder that now, football is clearly a game not intended for the mainstream. They are totally gay. The only thing to do now is sit back and bask in the glory of their wonderfully diverse new audience.

All of the straight people that were watching before will find some other way to fill their time on Sundays. It is hard to imagine a scenario where this kind of targeted advertising nets the NFL more viewership, but they seem fully committed despite that. When there is a full commitment to being gay, things like revenue and viewership take a back seat.

Sam Rapoport, the NFL’s diversity director, told Outsports, “I am proud of the clear message this spot sends to the NFL’s LGBTQ+ fans: this game is unquestionably for you.

I will be playing its first line over and over in my head all season.” Many fans and ex-fans will agree with Rapoport on his second statement, “Football is gay” will be stuck in everyone’s head for many seasons to come.

The NFL’s chief marketing officer also chimed in saying, “This spot is about celebrating Pride, and the importance of inclusion.

It’s imperative that we use our voice and leverage the NFL platform to drive positive change, which includes supporting what our players care about and what they stand for.”

Even though there is only one player out of 1700+ that has come out as gay, the NFL is surely hoping for more. Perhaps teams will be incentivized with higher draft picks depending on the sexual proclivities of the roster.

The nation waits anxiously to see just how gay football can get.


Thankfully the NFL came out as gay in literally the last days of Gay Pride Month!

Why do we and should we care that some NFL player chooses to put his johnson in another man's murphy?  It makes zero sense that the NFL is choosing to make this a big deal!  But many, many things make zero sense in this world.

As we turn our eyes upon Jesus the things of this world start to grow strangely dim in the light of His glory and grace.

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